

习婉钰,副教授,南京中医药大学高层次人才引进(学术骨干),养老服务管理系专任教师。南京大学商学院管理学博士(工商管理方向)、以色列巴伊兰大学哲学博士(综合社会科学老年学方向)及International MBA,北京大学心理与认知科学学院行为与心理健康北京市重点实验室访问学者。主要从事老年心理与消费/在线行为,智慧养老,人机交互等方面的研究。获欧洲三大人才计划之一的欧盟玛丽居里学者ITN计划资助,参与并主持EuroAgeism项目(No.764632, 388万欧元)子课题一项(2018-2022),先后参与国家自然科学/社会科学基金、省部级政府委托项目5项。

近年来已在国际知名老年学期刊Journals of Gerontology Series b: Psychological Sciences and SocialSciences, 心理学/人机交互学期刊Computers in Human Behavior等发表SCI及SSCI学术论文10多篇,其中中科院一区Top论文4篇,科研成果被WHO《全球年龄歧视报告》引用。获中国老龄社会青年学者红枫计划一等奖、江苏省高校招生就业中心大学生创新实践理论研究一等奖、创青春/挑战杯全国大学生创新创业大赛全国金奖及银奖、以色列高等教育部中国留学生奖学金等荣誉。兼任中国老年学与老年医学学会第五届老年心理学分会委员,中国电子科技集团第三研究所产业研究中心外聘专家(智慧健康养老产业方向),盘古智库特约研究员,曾兼任WHO总部人口变化与健康老龄化署Global Campaign on Combating Ageism项目组借调研究员(2021),以色列巴伊兰大学国际交流处驻中国代表(2015-2018)。



1.Xia, B., Xi, W.*, Bi, X., & Zhang, X*. (2023). Retirement is not the end of theroad: Essentialist beliefs about aging moderate the association between futuretime perspective and retirement adjustment. Current Psychology, 1-9. (SCI, JCR3区)

2.Xi, W.*, Zhang, X. & Ayalon, L. (2022). When lessintergenerational closeness helps? The influence of intergenerational physicalproximity and technology attributes on technophobia among older adults. Computers in Human Behavior.131, 107234. (SSCI, 中科院/JCR 1区Top)

3.Xi, W., Zhang, X. & Ayalon, L. (2021).The framing effect of intergenerational comparison on technophobia among olderadults. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.(SCI&SSCI,中科院/JCR 1区Top, 被选为Editor’s Choice)

4.Xi, W., Xu, W., Zhang, X. & Ayalon, L.(2021). A thematic analysis of Weibo topics (Chinese Twitter hashtags)regarding older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 76(7),e306–e312.(SCI&SSCI,中科院/JCR 1区Top; WHO《全球年龄歧视报告》引用).

5.Xi, W., Gong, H., & Wang, Q. (2019). How hand gestures influence theenjoyment in gamified mobile marketing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 127, 169-180.(SCI&SSCI,中科院2区/JCR 1区).

6.Lin,H., Chang, Y., Chen, C., Wan, H. Y., Xi, W., & Zhang, X., et al.(2021). Are older adults more optimistic? evidence from china, Israel and theus. The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences.(SCI&SSCI,中科院/JCR 1区Top).

7.Mannheim, I.; Schwartz, E.; Xi, W.; Buttigieg, S.C.; McDonnell-Naughton, M.; Wouters,E.J.M.; van Zaalen, Y. (2019). Inclusion of older adults in the research and designof digital technology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(19), 3718.(SSCI,中科院3区/JCR 2区;WHO《全球年龄歧视报告》引用).

8.Wang, Q., Yang, X., & Xi, W. (2018). Effects of group arguments on rumor beliefand transmission in online communities: An information cascade and grouppolarization perspective. Information & Management, 55(4), 441-449.(SCI,中科院2区Top/JCR 1区).